Shiki Wrap FAQs

What is furoshiki?

Furoshiki refers to traditional Japanese wrapping cloth. These cloths are primarily for wrapping gifts, but are also used to carry and store things. Learn more about the furoshiki tradition here.

Who keeps the furoshiki wrap?

Traditionally, the gift-giver keeps the wrap. However, modern uses of furoshiki are more flexible, so you can also give Shiki Wrap as part of a present. Learn more about when to keep Shiki Wrap and when to give it away here.

Is Shiki Wrap washable?

Yes! You can handwash or machine-wash all Shiki Wrap products, making it easy to keep clean and fresh. It’s best to wash Shiki Wrap in cold water. Dry it on a cool, tumble setting or let it air dry. Watch our video about caring for Shiki Wrap here.

How long does Shiki Wrap last?

Shiki Wrap is made from durable recycled materials that stand the test of time. When properly cared for, Shiki Wrap can last years and be part of every gift exchange. Unlike traditional wrapping paper, Shiki Wrap will not tear, crinkle, or crumple when you use it.

With normal use, it will last approximately 100x longer than paper wrapping. Instead of wrapping one present, you can wrap dozens and dozens.

How do I wrap presents with Shiki Wrap?

Wrapping presents with Shiki Wrap is easier than you might think! Our reusable fabric gift bags have a simple drawstring enclosure that covers the gift without the need for tissue paper. For the wraps, all you have to do is lay the cloth out in a diamond shape, place the gift in the center, and tie opposite corners together.

Find tips, tricks, and guides for wrapping with Shiki Wrap on our blog. Learn how to do a simple wrap here, get tips for wrapping here, and watch a tutorial on how to wrap wine bottles here!

What can each Shiki Wrap size fit?

The possibilities are endless! But here are some examples to help you understand the sizes:

  • 18-inch wraps: Books, coffee mugs, candles, handheld electronics, and beauty products

  • 28-inch wraps: Wine bottles, coffee table books, standard clothing boxes, and Stanley Cups

  • 36-inch wraps: Board games, serving platters, gaming consoles, blankets, and toolboxes

When in doubt, select a bigger size, as the extra fabric can always be turned into a beautiful, ribbon-like knot on top.

Can I use any fabric for furoshiki wrapping?

You can try using other fabrics to wrap gifts. However, we do not recommend it. Fabrics around your home may be too thin, rigid, or bulky.

Shiki Wrap is the ideal fabric for gift wrapping because it’s strong but stretchy and comes in delightful patterns and colors. 

Is Shiki Wrap more affordable than traditional wrapping paper?

Yes! Because Shiki Wrap is reusable and long-lasting, it’s a more cost-efficient way of wrapping presents. 

According to a survey by People, the average American spends around $50 on wrapping supplies just for the holiday season. Individual Shiki Wraps start at just $11 and go up to $25. Considering you can use these wraps for years and years, they’re a better investment than standard wrapping paper.

You can save even more when you buy our bundles or surprise wraps!

What is the Shiki Wrap return policy?

Your satisfaction is our priority. If, for any reason, your purchase does not meet expectations, return it to us within 30 days for a full refund. And please reach out if you have any questions about using Shiki Wrap!